/ だるま (Daruma)


Daruma dolls are a Japanese symbol of good luck and fortune.

When obtaining the doll, a wish is made and one eye is colored in. Once the wish comes true, the other eye is colored in and the Daruma is complete.

The Daruma is modeled after Bodhidharma, a buddhist monk who is accredited with founding Zen Buddhism. Throughout history, the Daruma has always been a symbol of perseverance, hard work, and fortune- embodying the popular Japanese proverb, “七転び八起き(Nanakorobi yaoki)” which translates to English as “Fall down seven times, get up eight times”.

Traditionally, the Daruma is burned after one year of obtaining and making a wish, whether it has come to fruition or not. Rather than signifying failure or short coming- the burning symbolizes commitment, devotion, and a renewal of your wish.

At WRF, we have created a line of all hand made and hand painted Daruma jars. Each Daruma is crafted with special care and the result is a line of individually unique pieces, suited to attract fortune, good luck, and prosperity into your life.

Shop the Daruma Jar here.


/ かき氷 (Kakigōri)

/ 七夕 (Tanabata)